It’s lonesome away from the kindred and all

Out here in Vietnam where the Vietcong crawl,

There is nothing so morbid, frightening or drear

Than to wake with a rifle

Sticking right into your ear.


The Yanks are all crazy

 And the Viets are queer

Oh what a terrible place run completely on fear

The pilots are all flying 100 hours a week

Flying supplies to the Delta and up to the Beak

But the Yanks they are losing this battle for life

And it seems that each week they are getting into more strife


We work through the day

We work through the night

What a terrible place run completely on strife

Oh the cooks at the base seemed to have lost their art,

So to buy your own munger is a jolly good start

The food ’s kinda tough

 and the going is rough

Oh what a terrible place run completely on bluff


 So come all you heroes and hear what I say

And think of us sometimes up here in the fray

The bullets they whistle

The bullets they whine

So when you think you're unlucky

You're really damned fine!