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News and Reunions!
2012 Djinnang Association Reunion
The next reunion is to be held at the Public Services Club, Stevens Lane (off George St), Brisbane City on Saturday 26 May 2012, commencing at 2PM. Be there - or be square!!!
Avalon Air-Show 2013.
The 2013 Australian
International Airshow and Aerospace & Defence Exposition will be
held over six days, from Tuesday 26 February to Sunday 3 March and
Mark your diary now.
The show is really two separate shows in one, there is the Industry-only trade sessions which will be held from Tuesday 26 Feb to Thursday 28 Feb (all day) and on Friday 29 Feb up until 2.00pm. Then from 2.00pm on Friday until 6.00pm on the Sunday 3 March, the show is open to the public.
The public
An event of this size requires quite a number of dedicated and specialised volunteers in order to ensure it operates efficiently and flawlessly. If you have skills that you think could be beneficial to the organisers and you would like to be part of this huge event, then volunteer to be a part. You’ll love it!
Volunteer Positions that the organisers are seeking for the 2013 event are:
The Organisers, who appreciate and rely on the hard work provided by the Volunteers, ensure that every and all volunteers are made welcome and are very well looked after. In return for their time and energy, Volunteers are provided with: |
The Organisers will release application forms on their website towards the end of June, we’ll remind you again next issue.
There is more info on their web site which is HERE.
Heritage Series Books
Steve Howie writes, “For those that may be interested, the Air Power Development Centre has been progressively digitising the RAAF Heritage Series Books for free download. They are all a very good read. They are currently working on the remaining four books and hope to publish them on the site over the next six months (providing the funding doesn't dry up).
They can be found HERE:
I just got back from a pleasure trip. I took my mother-in-law to the airport.
Vietnam Memoires
Paul Eather is writing a book about Vietnam veterans and their collective experiences and wisdom. He says, “One of my great regrets is that our Boer and WWI veterans all passed before somebody thought to do this on a larger scale and so much was lost that I believe would have been an invaluable resource for younger generations. I would not like to see this mistake repeated.
I have about 20 questions that I am recording information on and these range from before people were conscripted through to their thoughts on our current involvements around the world, particularly Afghanistan and Iraq and their views on such things as compulsory military training.
What I would like to do is interview a number of people. I do not intend to produce a tactical appreciation or a "boots and all" book as has been done before. Rather, as time goes on people are becoming more interested in the people who served and what I would term the "human stories". Their thoughts and ideas etc.
I would be very appreciative if you would be able to mention this to your members so that I may record more interviews. I currently reside in the Blue Mountains in Sydney and obviously veterans from this part of the world would be easiest to visit in person although having said that, I am able to record interviews via the phone and internet if required. I have interviews at present that range from infantry men to cooks so welcome input from members of any branch of the services that would like to contribute.
I can be contacted on 0488 023 466.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your assistance in this matter and look forward to hearing from you and your members regarding this body of work I am compiling.
Fight for mental health continues long after war is over.
Liz Hannan, Erik Jensen
The psychological fallout from Australia's engagement in Iraq and Afghanistan will reverberate for decades to come. The Australian Defence Force says four Afghanistan veterans – one had also seen duty in Iraq – have committed suicide. All were still in military service when they took their lives. Accurate records are not kept of suicides among veterans once they rejoin the civilian world.
A Brisbane psychiatrist, Andrew Khoo, who specialises in military and veterans' mental health, expects the suicide rate to increase dramatically in the years ahead. "The best evidence we have is US figures, which show the number of veterans who return from overseas service but then go on in the future to kill themselves typically far outweighs those killed in action," he says.
The combined Australian death toll in Iraq and Afghanistan is 35. "I am hoping the Australian mental health system is better than the US," he says, "but I think we are naive if we think our suicides are at least not going to equal those killed in combat."
Dr Khoo says post-traumatic stress disorder, depressive illnesses and drug and alcohol dependence are also likely to increase. "You can reasonably expect 15 per cent to 20 per cent of those who have been in combat roles to present with PTSD at some stage of their lives," he says.
The ADF's figures show 2500 personnel – or 8 per cent – who have been in combat between 2002 and 2009 could go on to develop PTSD. It has been found that the recovery process works reasonably well while soldiers remain in the army however, as soon as they are discharged, the Department of Veterans' Affairs becomes loath to settle compensation claims. Soldiers with obvious trauma injuries are compensated but those with more subtle injuries struggle to prove their cases.
There are also several cases in which soldiers who have taken medical discharges have committed suicide while their compensation claims are being appealed.
"It's either extremely bureaucratic or something more sinister," says Max Emanuel, who specialises in military compensation law. "I've got one case where they've rejected a man's post-traumatic stress disorder after two or three returns to Afghanistan, refusing to accept there are any ... symptoms. The guy is a basket case."
The Veterans' Affairs Minister, Warren Snowdon, rejects this. "The lawyer is being a bit cute, frankly. We are not trying to be sinister here," he says. "We have an obligation, both legislatively and morally, to deal with people who are wounded or injured as a result of service – and we will." But Snowdon says there is no doubt the lessons that should have been learnt after the Vietnam War were not learnt – vitally, the need to ensure a smooth "transition space" between military service and civilian life.
One problem is that the records of departing military personnel are kept on paper, which take time to access. He hopes this will be addressed by a new electronic records systems – the Defence Joint eHealth Data and Information System. Advisory centres on 35 bases across Australia would also help serving veterans who have been injured, make a claim with the Department of Veterans' Affairs and help them with transition out if that was their wish.
The RSL national president, Ken Doolan, says the danger with mental wounds is they are not seen and therefore rely on the sufferer to present with a problem. "The impact may not be known for years and years after. Some Vietnam veterans are just being diagnosed now," he says.
The Chief of Army, Lieutenant General David Morrison, admits a "less than a complete understanding" of the mental health area. "There are soldiers who have suffered post-traumatic stress, either as a result of wounding or because of what they have done," he says. "We haven't done all we can for them."
One recent initiative is to open the six-monthly post-operational psychiatric screening of soldiers to their families, to assist them in supporting each other, he says.
I've been in love with the same woman for 49 years! If my wife ever finds out, she'll kill me!
Bomber Command Commemorative Service. 03 June, 2012
Ted Vowles AE, (President, Queensland University Squadron Branch, RAAF Association, Queensland Division) writes,
The fourth consecutive Bomber Command Commemorative Service in Queensland will be held on Sunday, 03 June, at The Memorial Garden at RAAF Amberley. We ask your assistance to encourage your members and friends to come and pay tribute to the sacrifices and inspiration of the Airmen and Airwomen of Bomber Command.
This year, refreshments will be served in the Combined Mess where the Service will be held in the case of inclement weather. For catering and seating purposes, it is necessary to know the numbers attending. As this Service is taking place on a Defence establishment, names are required in order to facilitate entry to the Base by 20 May, 2012.
I am pleased to say that again this year, the Queensland University Squadron Branch of the RAAF Association is allocating some funds to subsidise bus travel to the Service. We propose to subsidise the provision of bus travel to the event on the following conditions:
· Each bus must have capacity for at least 20 passengers; · To be eligible the names of at least 12 people registered to attend must be submitted to our Branch Secretary. · The Branch or Association providing the bus service must appoint a “Bus Captain” who will be available to arrange for surplus seating on the bus to be available to others, within reason. For example, a bus from Kawana Waters would be expected to pick up passengers at two or three other locations; but not operate a “milk run” service. · The subsidy relates to the bus and the funds available will be allocated to the requests received in order that we are notified of the details outlined above. · Only one subsidy will be allocated to a locality unless the first bus is full and funds are still available. As an illustration, we would not allocate funds for a bus from both Redcliffe and Sandgate unless one bus is full and the second complies with 2 above · Subsidies will be paid on the submission of the invoice on the following bases for travel commencing within the following prescribed radii of the Brisbane GPO:
1. 18 kilometres or less 50% of the invoice to a maximum value of $75 2. 19 to 40 kilometres 60% off invoice to a maximum of $150 3. 41 kilometres and over 75% of invoice to a maximum of $350
Official invitations have not yet been sent; but those who received one last year will do so again. Similarly to last year, we wish to display Bomber Command Squadron or related Service banners behind the Memorial Wall and your permission to use these banners and arrangements about getting them to Amberley will be appreciated. Please advise your intentions in relation to banners as soon as possible in order that sufficient members of the AAFC are available to display the banners.
Attendees should be at The Memorial Garden or Mess and seated by 10:40 AM
There is some written information HERE or you can obtain further information by emailing Jim Hutchinson HERE. |
The Doctor gave a man six months to live. When he couldn't pay his bill straight away, the doctor gave him another six months.
Vietnam Veterans Education Centre.
Chris Beatty, who served as a pilot with 9 SQN in 1969/70 and was awarded the DFC and later served as CO of both 12 and 23 SQNs has written:
I hope you don't mind me
writing thus but I have been asked by DVA to represent RAAF Vietnam
vets (pro bono) on an Australian Committee that will participate in
a US project known as the Vietnam Veterans Education Centre. The US
Viet Vets are to build an $80m underground 2 story facility next to
the Wall in Wash DC with a planned opening 2014. The facility will
be similar in design to the US DDay facility at Normandy as near as
I can work out. Australia, to date, is the only other country being
asked to display and to this end the Government has allocated $3.3m
for research. We intend to ask that NZ be considered along with us
noting our ANZAC traditions and the ANZUS Treaty.
In broad detail the criteria for the design of the Memorial is:
· That it be reflective and contemplative in character, · That it harmonise with its surroundings, especially the neighbouring national memorials, · That it contain the names of all who died or remain missing, and · That it make no political statement about the war.
The thought behind the VVEC was that by telling the stories behind every name the Centre would help visitors understand the courage, sacrifice and devotion of those who fell, those who returned and those who waited. "Through interactive exhibits and primary source materials, visitors will be better able to understand the impact the Viet War had on their family members, their home towns, their communities and the nations involved."
Australia has been given a space to display our 526 KIAs and another space where we will be able to tell digitally enhanced stories of our involvement. To this end the intention is to research a number of stories/anecdotes from the years of our involvement, not just the "warries" per say but every day life from the various units involved. To this end I will be looking for short stories no longer than 250 words from the various units involved that might be suitable for inclusion. At this point I am really only trying to make contact with folk who may be able to help me and perhaps steer me in the direction of other RAAF organisations that should be considered. As you can imagine the committee is very Army oriented, some were quite surprised when I mentioned that we had FACs, Canberras and Caribous flying with the USAF! I would also appreciate details of any unit books written about our involvement so that these might be passed on to the researchers and the Project Director, DVA PSs .
My understanding is that DVA will be in contact with various Veterans Organisations to request that details be included in their magazines. So this is a heads up hoping that you guys may be able to help me.
Anyone who feels they can assist can contact Chris HERE
What are three words a woman never wants to hear when she's making love? "Honey, I'm home!"
Heritage Project.
The management of technical airworthiness for Australian military aviation has matured immensely since its humble beginnings on this day ninety-eight years ago when, on 1 March 1914, the first Australian military aviation flight took place at Point Cook in Victoria; also on this day in 1926, RAAF Base Laverton was established. From those early days of fabric, dope, wire and wood, the current system of management of Technical Airworthiness in the ADF has continued to develop, particularly over recent years to a state where it is regarded highly by other nations and used a benchmark for the improvement of military aviation TA systems worldwide.
There has obviously been extensive documentation published on the history of military aviation in Australia, however, the history of the development of Technical Airworthiness over almost a century has not been captured in one place. Many of us have knowledge of events that shaped the way we are organised today so it is considered appropriate that the time is right to capture that knowledge to document our history, including the earlier quality assurance aspects of our business.
In order to make this happen I have been asked to manage this "Heritage Project" and to glean as much information as possible to enable the production of a result that documents the story. I am not limited to the print media so I am open to any information and ideas for such work.
My intent is to create a history of events which have contributed to technical airworthiness development and improvements, from the early days to the present day.
It is proposed to document:
· Key events - eg an aircraft accident, or introduction on new technology, or issue of key publications (such as DI(G) OPS 02-2 - Defence Aviation Safety Program and AAP7001.053 - Technical Airworthiness Management Manual). · Key findings · Lessons learnt · Actions taken
The history (from a technical airworthiness perspective), once verified and endorsed, could eventually be published on the DGTA-ADF website.
Our objective is to capture and document how we have progressed, in terms of airworthiness, to where we are now' but, in particular, the 'lessons learned' to mitigate the risk to safety of future accidents and incidents.
I intend to test the individual knowledge of some key players, such as the two previous DGs, in the development of our military aviation technical airworthiness management system. I will also be in contact with the RAAF Museum to ascertain what information they can provide.
In the meantime, in order to get the engines started, today I intend to attach a large paper-based "timeline" document to the wall in the L474 link; I would like anybody located at Laverton, who has information or facts to add, using the sticky note pad and pen provided, to add any event(s) that they consider had some effect on the development of aviation technical airworthiness in the ADF. It would be helpful if as much quantitative data be included as possible eg year, reference document number, to enable follow up and data verification. Staff not located at Laverton are invited to contact me by any means available.
Any assistance that you can provide in this project, by either adding to the timeline, or contacting me directly by telephone with information would be greatly appreciated.
Bill Gleadell Mob: 0417 069 317
Two Irish couples decided to swap partners for the night. After 3 hours of amazing sex, Paddy says "I wonder how the girls are getting on".
Des Davie writes, “I am the Secretary of the VVAA South West NSW and Wagga Inc. groups and we run a retreat that is specifically setup to provide a rest and stop over retreat in South West NSW for those who are travelling in this area; I have attached a Flyer and a summary about the retreat. It would be appreciated if you would distribute this through your various networks so that your members can avail themselves of our retreat facility when in the area.
You can get a copy of the flyer HERE.
Frognall get together bash
This is early (heads-up) planning notice for all ex-Froggers, including Detachment dudes who have the same/similar status as '54 Mont Albert Road mainstream Froggers', even though some of them think not.
If you were an engineer
cadet at some stage in your life and did not enlist for Academy,
Direct Entry, Undergrad or ADFA, then by default, you should be an
ex-Frogger. That said, the ADF aerospace engineering fraternity is
well connected and collegiate, so if an ex-Frogger has the courage
he/she can sponsor and chaperone an other-than-ex-Frogger ADF or
ex-ADF aerospace engineer (including ground mech and crystal
crackers), you are allowed 1 each, but will be held responsible for
their behaviour at Wagga during their stay.
Bob Pratt and John Monoghan at the 2005 reunion
Heads up all ex-DCS and ECS Froggers: the last-best (or best-last) Frognall reunion is planned for May 2012 at RAAF Wagga. Similar in style and tone etc to the last one here Sep 2005. After seven years, the itch is back and over the last 3 years I have been approached by a growing number of ex-Froggers to organise another one. Well, all-right, you asked for it.
Each course is asked to
nominate a course rep/spokes dude and indicate below which w/e suits
most or all of your course member mates who intend to participate.
These two w/ends have been selected to deconflict with all
reasonably foreseeable family unfriendly weekends Easter - so the
Catholics can top-up after Lent, school holidays across all states,
Mothers' Day, public holidays and obvious opportunities for long
weekends, etc. The last one backed
Russ Garraway, Dave Penna and Ron Gretton at the 2005 reunion.
We have $389.58 left in the Defcredit Wagga Frognall Reunion account, tiding over from the last reunion in 05. I ask that each course rep indicate a preference below (on behalf of the course) for how that kitty is used.
Intended general format and log-admin:
Travel Friday
Friday: Early-bird drinks and snacks in Officers' Mess 1800-2300 Fri evening
Saturday AM: Activity Sat AM (options may include: golf, tour RAAFSTT, sight visit RAAF acft if present and crew available to open and tour, Temora Aviation Museum deployment, RAAF Wagga Heritage Centre site visit)
Main event: Reunion Sat 1830-on in Airmen's Mess, noting we cannot start earlier to allow recruits and trainees time to eat their evening meal and clear decks (a little earlier than normal, not too early)
Refreshment: Eskies surrounding the room with ice, beer, wine and softies. Frognall 'themed' wines for tables
Dress and bearing: Sit in Course clusters on tables: prize for course with biggest roll-up, another for worst looking pineapple jacket and combo dress: which should be neat collared shirt, trousers, shoes, with jacket optional to suit temperature, which should be a warm-mild autumn. Frognall pineapple-jackets always appropriate, if they still fit somehow.
Food: Buffet meal, ala Frognall Cadets' Mess routine, but much nicer. Course reps to advise any special dietary requirements for religious or health reasons - with name andrestriction pls
Accommodation: To be arranged yourselves. A subsequent email in early 2012 will advise recommended establishments, prices and contact details. Currently serving ADF folk may be able to stay in limited on-base accommodation - at cost (DS standing rate for off-duty OPSA Mess Accommodation) - pending determination of RAAF Wagga Officer course numbers at the time, who will have priority of access.)
Memorabilia: "2012 Frognall Reunion :the best-last-best Wagga reunion" hat, shirt and stubby-cooler: under price and availability research- TBA
Personal memorabilia: Bring any special memorabilia you care to display on a table for mates to ponder and ridicule.
Special guest: Almost 80+yo WOFF Ret'd Ted Heskett, (retired WOD), local resident of Wagga Wagga. Courses 21 thru 25 should remember Ted - I guarantee you he has not forgotten any of us.
Sunday: Recover, Chapel service for Engineering community and p-off without stealing anything from the Base, Mess, nor each other (apart from a good time together).
Please send this email to all corners of the ex-Frogger geographic and electronic spread please. See as many of you as possible at Wagga next May.
Christopher K* Crowley Group Captain MEng Email HERE
9 Squadron Association would like to acquaint you with an outline of
the proposed above event covering the period of July 20-22 July,
2012. This is a guide at present until more details become
A Commemoration of all who died on Unit Operations July 1925 - February 1989 and, 40th Anniversary of RAAF No 9 Squadron End-of-Vietnam commitment and commencement of operations ex-RAAF Amberley
Key parts are the Commemoration at RAAF Amberley followed by light BBQ lunch at RAAHC at the Iroquois A2-771 location and, the No 9 Squadron 40th Anniversary/Reunion Dinner.
Friday 20 JULY 2012 Meet-and-Greet, Fellowship and Registrations - Ipswich RSL Services Club, Downs Street, North Ipswich.
Saturday 21 JULY 2012 RAAHC (1030 hrs until 1430 actual timings to be confirmed)
Note: Due to security aspects at RAAF Amberly all members will be bussed from the Ipswich RSL and taken to Amberley. Members will be returned by bus. This facilitates entry to the base and members who present themselves direct to the base are unlikely to gain entry.
Sunday 22 JULY 2012 Fellowship and Recovery Breakfast at the Ipswich RSL. Nothing else planned. Use of normal Ipswich RSL Services Club facilities
The costs of bus travel to and from Amberley, the Ipswich RSL evening meal plus two bottles of wine per table, the BBQ light lunch at Amberley (Saturday) and the breakfast at the Ipswich RSL (Sunday) are included in the cost of the event. This price is yet to be finalised. We are seeking some financial assistance from outside sources to reduce the cost of the event to members. However all payments for the 'Welcome Home' event can be made through the normal channels of direct debit to the Association (include your name) or by cheque to the National Secretary.
If members wish to spread the cost over a period of months then installments can be made per above methods. Please let me know.
Accommodation: Negotiations are under way with a number of motels in Ipswich to try and get some reduction on costs and more information will be broadcast once we have something more concrete to pass on.
A man goes to a shrink and says, "Doctor, my wife is unfaithful to me. Every evening, she goes to Larry's bar and picks up men. In fact, she sleeps with anybody who asks her! I'm going crazy. What do you think I should do?" "Relax," says the Doctor, "take a deep breath and calm down. Now, tell me, exactly where is Larry's bar?" |
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