The Governor-General's Medal
is awarded to the outstanding RAAF apprentice for 1967. Apprentices from both LAVERTON and WAGGA compete for the award, and this year it was won by a LAVERTON apprentice.Awarded to: F Sgt App Laird, P.B.
The A. G. Pither Trophy is awarded for outstanding leadership.
Awarded to: W Off App Learhinan, G. J.
The Standard Telephones and Cables Pty Ltd Prize is awarded to the apprentice who achieves the highest assessment for all-round proficiency.
Awarded to: Sgt App Houliston, H.
The Collins Radio Company (Australia) Pty Ltd Prize is awarded to the most industrious apprentice.
Awarded to: Cpl App Toholka, F. J.
The Royal Australian Air Force awards a prize to the apprentice the second highest assessment for all-round proficiency.
Awarded to: L App Stroude, P. A.
The Royal Australian Air Force awards a prize to the apprentice who has the highest assessment for practical ability.
Awarded to: W Off App Lugg, D. A.
The Royal Australian Air Force awards a prize to the apprentice who is the best all-round sportsman.
Awarded to: L App Neave, A. J.