Radschool Association Magazine - Vol 37 Page 20 |
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News and Reunions!
Caribou reunion.
If you were ever in RTFV, 35 Squadron or 38 Squadron, either as a Tinker, Tailor, Soldier or Spy, then you should put a great big crayon though the dates, 26, 27, 28 and 29th February 2012 because the RTFV-35 Sqn Association has a bumper reunion planned to commemorate 40 years since the Caribou left Vietnam.
The Reunion will be held in Brisbane.
John Sambrooks
(Sambo), the RTFV-35Sqn Assoc Secretary Treasurer, who has been
You can see details of the reunion HERE. Sambo has attached a form for you to fill in if you think you would like to go, it’s not binding, but it will allow him to plan things. Shortly a list of names of all those who have indicated they would like to attend will be on their web site. You will be able to check it and see who else is coming,
Please have a look and if you’re interested, fill in the form and shoot it off.
Cadet Reunion.
Were you a member of the Air Training Corps or the Australian Air Force Cadets?? If so, the Air Cadet Alumni Association wants you!!
It is intended to establish an Alumni made up of at least 1000 former ATC and AAFC cadets as well as former and current staff members from around Australia.
So, what is an Alumni?
An Alumni, in its simplest form, is a group of people who have a shared past experience with an education organization or institution. Formal alumni arrangements often exist with high schools and colleges, Many ex-students are attracted to join an alumni organization because they value the learning opportunities and experience provided by the school.
Why?? you ask.
The Alumni would provide support to today's Air Cadets. It will:
If you would like further info click
The Interim Alumni Association Website can be found
If you would like to register, click
RAAF Penrith Footy
Howard “Bull” Donald would like to remind all players and supporters of the 1972 RAAF Penrith football team (all Djinnang members that is) that it will be 40 years since they won the premiership and that they should attend the 2012 Djinnang re-union to meet all of their mates from that time. Bull was the coach of the side in 1972 and they played in the Penrith District competition and went on to win the premiership that year. The side was made up from mostly Communicators serving at OPCOM as well as a couple of blokes from Kingswood and a few from Penrith, MTD's, Cooks and the Dentist also played. They had a great following from all the people that served at OPCOM - including the officers. They trained at the little oval at the Penrith RAAF Base in the middle of High Street right in the heart of the city.
Bull says it was one of the best years of his Air Force career and a lot of the players still keep in touch to this day mainly at the reunions each year.
This is one of the many good reasons why they should be at the Public Service Club, Brisbane, on Saturday 26th May – if not, you had better have a chit !!.
Depression is merely anger without enthusiasm.
HARS. Late October 2011
Right now, the HARS Recovery Truck has been loaded with all the test rigs, jacks, engine stands, etc. at Wollongong. Allan Leaver, ably assisted by co-driver Capt Ross Kelly will be leaving on Monday morning to arrive at Oakey on Tuesday morning.
Meanwhile the rest of the team will be gathering at Oakey, ready to start work bright eyed and bushy tailed at 0800 on Monday morning.
The overall plan is to firstly do some retraction tests on the landing gear by Wednesday, fuel to arrive by tanker from Archerfield on Thursday. Engine runs/ taxi tests on Friday. With any luck the first aircraft will be ready to fly out by the weekend of the 29/30 Oct. I have the RAAF aircrew on standby to fly out the first aircraft then. Pilot-in-Command will be Flt Lt Chris Jaensch, co-pilot Capt Chris Joynson (Qantas B737), Flt Engineer Sgt David East and LAME Bill Smith.
The second crew will not be available until Wednesday the 2nd of November due to work/roster commitments. It will be Pilot-in-Command Bob Hazell (Qantas B737 ex-Caribou QFI), Co-pilot Capt. Kent Corney (Cathay Pacific A330), Flt Engineer Bob St. John, LAME Clive Gibbons and myself as hanger-on! Bob St. John has been a tremendous supporter of this project. Incredibly, Bob was on the delivery flight of one of the original Caribous from Canada in 1964 and operated these very aircraft in Vietnam. I don't think young Bob would've imagined in his wildest dreams back in 1964 that he would be still crewing a Caribou on yet another chapter in the Caribou story in 2011!.
Having said that, there is no real imperative to get the planes out by a certain time. They will not depart until the Engineers and pilots are totally satisfied that they are safe and the conditions are acceptable to fly out.
I know everyone is looking forward to these exciting times. It has been a long road to get to this point and it will be an amazing sight when they take to the air again.
Best regards,
Doug Haywood HARS Caribou Project Manager/ Co-ordinator
The hardness of the butter is proportional to the softness of the bread.
G'day team, Attached are some photos from yesterday's historic trip in aircraft 210 from Oakey to Albion Park. Personally it was one of the biggest highlights of my aviation career and I am honoured to have been given the opportunity to Captain the aircraft back and was helped by copilot Chris Joynson and flight engineer David East.
From the crew's perspective, the aeroplane performed flawlessly and it is a credit to all of you who made this possible. Special thanks must go to Doug Haywood and his engineering team who worked tremendously hard to get the aeroplane up to speed within last week. All of the aircrew were very impressed by the high standard the aircraft were handed to us in.
Apologies for the quick arrival and departure at Oakey, but I very much look forward to meeting you all and chatting to you more in the near future.
Good luck to both the ground and aircrew of aircraft 234, I am sure you will have as much fun as we did!
PHOTOS- if anybody else took photos from yesterday it would be much appreciated if you could email them to me please, especially the air-to-air shots from the Cessna 310. I will collate them all and can make copies for people in the future.
Many thanks, Chris Jaensch
See the photos HERE
Position Vacant.
Les Bienkiewicz, the Executive Director of the Defence Force Welfare Association, is planning to retire and the Association is looking for a replacement from 1 March 2012.
The position is ideally suited to a newly retired ADF member looking
for salaried, part time employment within the ‘Defence family’,
however the Association would not preclude others from applying.
The position is located in Canberra and the Executive Director is expected to staff the office on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of each week. These are the days that the office is normally “open for business” however you would also be expected to be available on the “off days”, eg taking calls from the media etc.
Duties include:
As Executive Director you will also be expected to represent the Association at various for a; accompany the National President on lobbying activities (eg meetings with Members of Parliament); and be prepared to brief the media on current issues.
Good writing skills are an inherent requirement of the position, as are basic IT skills, communication skills and initiative. The updating of the DFWA website is not an onerous task and is easily managed.
The range of matters carried out by the Executive Director and the National Office is well documented in recent editions of Camaraderie at National Office Doings. (See latest magazine HERE)
A full list of duties is available on request.
An attractive salary (incl superannuation) is paid, along with 4 week’s annual paid leave.
An extensive handover of duties in late January / February will be undertaken.
If you want more information on this unique employment opportunity, or wish to discuss the position, contact either:
A decision on the appointment will be made by the end of December.
Rail Tour.
Great Southern Railways are running a Special Anzac Day Train from Darwin to Adelaide next year (2012). Costs associated with getting you to or from Darwin and/or Adelaide are one’s own care.
Proposed Itinerary is :-
For TPI’s and Carers = $1,206.00. This includes all meals in Queen Adelaide Restaurant.
Price does not include Alice Springs Tours. Bookings are now open.
The severity of the itch is proportional to the reach.
DFWA needs your Help!
The DFWA is seeking copies of any brochures etc that would have been issued to members of the ADF in about 1990 providing information about the new MSBS scheme. The brochure/s would have been issued to inform ADF members when making a decision about whether to remain in DFRDB or transfer to MSBS.
If anyone has kept a copy could DFWA be provided with them please – we can return them after they have been copied or you can scan yours and email it to us.
Les Bienkiewicz Executive Director Defence Force Welfare Association PO Box 4166 KINGSTON ACT 2604 P: 02 62659530 M: 0411 444248
Fair Go.
Kel Ryan FGC Registrar & Action Groups Coordinator 2 October 2011
“I have recently taken on the role of Fair Go Campaign [FGC] Registrar and Action Group Coordinator. The FGC Team is appreciative of your registering to be ‘Kept Informed’ of the Fair Go Campaign [FGC].
I ask that that you regularly check the FGC website at www.standto.org.
In addition to this you will receive updates and other information to ensure that you are kept abreast of the Campaign. This information is for you and feel free to pass it onto your circle of influence i.e. share it widely.
When sending you information it will be via Bcc to protect your privacy.
Should you wish to become a Volunteer and become more active in the Campaign please let me know.
Please advise me by return e-mail the Federal Electorate in which you reside?
Your participation in the FGC is vital to its success. Your ability to influence those around you on the issues will ensure a greater understanding of the Campaign. Information is the key to our success”!
“Take Care”
The problem with the gene pool is that there is no lifeguard.
Civilian Accreditation of Air Force Training,
We were asked by a few blokes where they could get info on their RAAF training as they needed that info as possible credits when obtaining their civvy tickets. We put the question to Sqn Ldr Graham (Wally) Walton who is boss of No 30 (City of Sale) Squadron at East Sale.
He said he didn’t know off hand but he did some checking for us and here’s what he found:
If you’re going for your civvy tickets and you have ADF training behind you, you can get the info from here.
The Training Information and Accreditation Cell (TIAC) issues nationally recognised civilian awards based on Air Force training and experience. As part of this responsibility, TIAC undertakes a number of core duties, including:
· accreditation and re-accreditation of Air Force training with the ACT Accreditation and Registration Council; · provision of accreditation advice to resettlement agencies, current and former members; · processing of requests for civil accreditation documentation from current and former members; · issue of civilian accreditation documentation, including certificates and/or Statements of Attainment, to current and former members; · pursue appropriate education and training recognition options for Air Force personnel.
Under the Australian Quality Training Framework, the qualifications provided by Air Force have the same standing as those provided by other Registered Training Organisations around Australia, such as TAFE. Members should ensure that they retain a copy of their RAAF Record of Training and Employment (RTE) in addition to their civilian qualifications.
General enquiries should be directed to
Training Information & Accreditation
Phone: 02 4737 7499. Fax 02 4737 7140
The Airman’s Aircrew Association Reunion.
The RAAF Airman Aircrew Association plans to hold a reunion next year sometime in October. The reunion will be held at the Belmont 16 Footers Sailing Club which is on Lake Macquarie just south of Newcastle, NSW.
You can get further info by emailing Colin Tigwell, (ex 36 and 37 Sqn Loadmaster) HERE. Colin would love to hear your ideas on the reunion.
Welcome home Huey 771
A commemoration event is proposed to remember all who died on Unit Operations from July 1925 to February 1989 and also to celebrate the 40th Anniversary of RAAF No 9 Squadron’s end of Vietnam commitment and commencement of operations at RAAF Amberley
At the moment the dates proposed are 20, 21 and 22nd of July 2012 and will be held in the RAAF Amberley area.
Key parts are the Commemoration at RAAF Amberley followed by light BBQ lunch at RAAHC at the Iroquois A2-771 location and, the No 9 Squadron 40th Anniversary / Reunion Dinner.
Friday 20 JULY 2012 Meet and Greet, Fellowship and Registrations - Ipswich RSL Services Club, Downs Street, North Ipswich
Saturday 21 JULY 2012 RAAHC (1030 hrs until 1430 actual timings to be confirmed)
· Commemoration Ceremony · Huey 771 'talks' to the assembly · BBQ lunch (light) · 40th Anniversary / Reunion Dinner from 1730 hrs · Ipswich RSL Services Club, Downs Street, North Ipswich.
Note: Due to security aspects at RAAF Amberley all members will be picked up by bus from the Ipswich RSL and taken to Amberley. Members will be returned by bus. This facilitates entry to the base and members who present themselves direct to the base are unlikely to gain entry.
Sunday 22 JULY 2012 Fellowship and Recovery breakfast at the Ipswich RSL- nothing else planned, use of normal Ipswich RSL Services Club facilities
The costs of bus travel to and from Amberley, the Ipswich RSL evening meal plus two bottles of wine per table, the BBQ light lunch at Amberley (Saturday) and the breakfast at the Ipswich RSL (Sunday) are included in the cost of the event. This price is yet to be finalised. We are seeking some financial assistance from outside sources to reduce the cost of the event to members.
However all payments for the Welcome Home event can be made through the normal channels of Direct payment to the Association (include your name) or by cheque to the National Secretary.
If members wish to spread the cost over a period of months then installments can be made per above methods. Please let me know.
Negotiations are under way with a number of motels in Ipswich to try and get some reduction on costs and more information will be broadcast once we have something more concrete to pass on.
If you have any questions please drop me a line. HERE
Steve Hartigan.
REOA trip.
At the Committee meeting Monday 3 Oct 11, it was decided to seek expressions of interest for a day trip visit during 2012 to the Vietnam Veterans Museum in Phillip Island, which by all accounts is very interesting and well worth a visit. If you click on the link below you can have a look at what the facility has to offer.
What the REOA is considering is a family day trip to the museum and booking a bus if there is enough interest. A lunch in a local Phillip Island restaurant will also be arranged. All are welcome, including wives, children, friends; same concept as was conducted for the past family day visit to the RAAF Museum and the Shrine of Remembrance.
Although it is a long way off and as yet has not been costed (the possibility of having DVA fund all or at least part of the costs via a grant arrangement will be canvassed), the committee would like to gauge interest in participating in this day visit so they can assess the merits of organizing it.
Can recipients please respond via email when convenient, advising of your interest in participating in this activity and your expected party number. The Committee needs about 40 to fill a standard bus. You can see Ted's story on the Museum HERE
Click HERE to respond
Noel Hadfield
Wagga Training
Col Bradford who runs the RAAF training establishment at Wagga gave a talk recently at the REOA lunch. Laurie Lindsay nicked a copy of his notes and has sent them to us.
You can see them HERE.
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