Radschool Association Magazine - Vol 37 Page 17 |
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Sick Parade.
If you know someone who is a bit crook, let us know so we can give them a shout out..
John Mathwin.
We’ve heard from John’s
wife Maureen and we are able to report some good news. John was
moved from the Main Perth Hospital complex in Wellington St and
moved to the Shenton Park complex for rehabilitation after his hip
replacement. This is his second time under the knife, the previous
replacement did not take and kept dislocating but this time the
doctors used a different procedure and used a rubber cup instead of
the normal plastic one.
Maureen says the hospital had accessed him and have decided it better if he does not go home for a while after the operation. He will be further accessed after he is mobile again as to how much ability he has of getting around and looking after himself.
Maureen says he can’t be that bad as he recently rang her and asked her to bring him in a pie as he “was starving.”
We received an email from Maureen on the 27th Nov and it seems you can’t keep an old Thornbury boy down as John was discharged from Hospital on the 25th Nov and allowed home, She says he still has a long way to go as far as the hip replacement is concerned but he’s taking things very easy and slowly (well, he’s always done that – tb). Maureen says “he’s basically been discharged on ‘good behavior’ as they wanted to keep him in rehab for a couple more weeks but he was sick of it and just wanted to get out. She’s got high hopes that he will eventually become mobile and won’t need sticks and support aids but says he probably will never play for Richmond again." (that’s a pity, as the way the Tigers are going they could sure use him – tb).
All the best mate!!
Peter Holmes.
Peter is starting to spend a bit of time toing and froing from Hospital. A recent brain scan found he’s been having mini-strokes for the past 6-8 months and carotid artery scans showed 65-70% blockages. But, as he says, “I am lucky compared to some other people who also been stricken as such”. He now has double vision and has to use an eye patch as his brain won’t allow the two eyes to work together in sync.
But, as he says again, “the documentation shows there is a brain, contrary to various view points in the past”.
Bill Crouch.
Bob Stevens advises he received an earlier email from Denise Crouch informing him that Bill, a sumpie with 9 Squadron from July 1970 July 1971, had been diagnosed with cancer and was to have an operation on his left lung to remove the lower lung lobe, a tumour and a lymph node. Denise has since reported that the surgeon was happy with the way Bill's op went and recently they took out some of the tubes that were used to remove excess fluid and the nursing staff now control his medication.
“Bill is obviously still feeling very uncomfortable and in some pain, but this is to be expected at this point in time and hopefully he will improve daily. When the specialist is happy, Bill is to commence chemotherapy for a period of time and after that, a second operation will be carried out on the other lung..'same same' as before. The results of the biopsy test will soon be made available, so here's hoping that all will be well”. Bob says that Denise was somewhat humbled by the many emails received wishing our mate Bill the best at this time, so please chaps, keep the thoughts and prayers going.
Bruce Loseby
Bob “Rags” Redman got in touch, he says: “One of the welfare officers from Castle Hill (NW Sydney NSW) RSL Sub-Branch has spoken to me regarding an ex 9SQN (Oct 1966 to Oct 1967) door gunner (ADG) LAC Bruce Raymon Loseby. Bruce is a TPI, has MS, and his life expectancy is limited. DVA and the RSL are helping with material needs, and the welfare officer is asking if someone from Bruce's 9SQN days (1966-67) could visit and recall the good times. Best if any visits are coordinated through me first, and then through the welfare officer. Please would you broadcast to the association asking any old comrades of Bruce, or any ex 9SQN people in NW Sydney, to contact me re an occasional visit”.
You can email Bob HERE or call him on H: 02 4947 0768
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