Radschool Association Magazine - Vol 38 Page 17 |
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Sick Parade.
If you know someone who is a bit crook, let us know so we can give them a shout out..
John “Sambo” Sambrooks.
Sambo went into the Holy
Spirit Hospital in Brisbane on the 13th December to have
his left hip replaced. It is truly amazing what can be done these
days, he had his operation on the
Not too many years ago, after a hip replacement, you could expect to spend about 6 weeks in hospital.
There’s really not too much wrong with the Australian Health system – we should be very thankful we are all living in the “lucky country.”
Ron Shannon
Ron, who lives about 60 klms east of Perth in WA, got in touch with us, he said: “I am 67 and getting too close to 68 years old and I recently contracted Whooping Cough, although as a baby I was immunised 'for life'. It seems the immunisation is not 'for life' but more like 'until you turn fifty five or so'.
I was so bad with it that I couldn't sleep for 48 hours because of the coughing and many times I started to blackout for lack of oxygen because I was unable to stop the bloody coughing !! It was very frightening, to say the least, and not something I'd wish on anyone, ...so.... get yourselves down to the Medical Centre and get a booster shot (I think they're free). The disease is epidemic in WA among Seniors and will probably spread to other States soon.
One of the nasties of Whooping Cough is the recurrent nagging cough that stays with you for up to three months. The Chinese call it 'the hundred-day cough'. Quite an accurate description."
Graeme “Bennie” Benthien.
We heard from Bennie just prior to Christmas, just after he had received the bad news that he has been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. He says his doctor has him booked in for a Prostate removal operation sometime in February 2012.
All the best mate..
Peter “Bart” Richardson
We heard from Mary Richardson who says that unfortunately, Peter, who was a sumpie with 35 Sqn in Vietnam from July 1970 to June 1971, was diagnosed with a brain tumour in May 2011 and was responding reasonably well after an operation in Sydney in September last year which removed 95% of the tumour. Peter had a bad seizure in late November and has been slowly going down-hill since then. He recently had another seizure and was hospitalised for a few days
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