Radschool Association Magazine - Vol 44 Page 19 |
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Geoff Yeatman
Comments: "Hi, was just browsing through some of the previous volumes
and in
Vol 42,
page 5
I came across a couple of pics of 37 RAC Reunions. Underneath the
pics you are asking for names and details so here goes. As a member
of 37 RAC I was at both reunions held to
The second pic was taken at a restaurant in Beaumont St, Hamilton (Newcastle) on Sat 19th Jan 2013. (Once again we’ve added the names to the photo – tb).
The photo above those 2 shows 4 of the guy's in a room in the appy blocks back in the day, on the right is Dave Walsh who is also on the right in the bottom pic. What a difference 30 years makes!! We are planning our next reunion for Jan 2020 and the goal is to get 37 of us there, which will hopefully include those that didn't have the good fortune to graduate.
Check our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/114367915262594/ for more stuff."
Thanks Geoff, photos have now been updated with the correct names - tb.
Graham Crawford
Graham says, “Re Volume: Vol 43, page 11, Your segment on memory loss triggered my thoughts about something I read recently. It has been established that doorways are the cause of the loss of memory when you go from one place and arrive at another thinking "now why did I come here" Apparently doorways appear to "wipe" our minds of our intentions, so the next time you're confused, check to see if you went through a door!!
Ernie Gimm
Ernie Gimm says re
Vol 43, Page 8,
the Incident at Ubon....I happened to be there at the time in
question. See the RAM
and the Para under the Moral Leadership course photo. I was
actually on switch duty that night but had had a big day on the grog
with Cowby Cowan (around my 20th birthday). I was woken up by Cowby
saying we were about to be attacked...the switchboard was lit up
like a Christmas tree...the Yanks had been trying to contact us...I
sheepishly put all the shutters back up and went about digging a
trench with Cowby. I can remember asking the WOD (Chalky White) if
it was deep enough and he said "keep digging". I can confirm that
the soil
was soft as the initial camp was built on swamp land and it was
eventually moved to another site. There was a fault in the US radar
and it was declared a false alarm and we were stood down and sent to
breakfast at around 7.30am. As a raw 20 YO, I can remember my
stomach was churning and no breakfast
was partaken. Gus Geoff was the WOComms, Shonky Shelton, Rod
Williams, Cowby and self were sent up in the advance party from
BSBut to operate a CW circuit back
I was asked if I could put this photo on here by Fay Ison (click it for a bigger copy). She is after this for the WRAAF uniform display out at the heritage museum at Amberley. She has written "Rayon material, skirt buttoned through, flap covering. At first black buttons long sleeves, then '56 cut sleeves with brassy buttons. Later the gilt buttons after 62/63. Fay has a near full collection and is missing only:
You can contact her oneson7@bigpond.com if you can help her with these items. Thank you.
Gus Comer
Re Volume: 43, Page: 2, I was saddened to note death of Ted Holmes, Ed Off at RADSCL Laverton in early 60s. A really fine bloke, we enjoyed his company. Other Ed Off's there at the time were Jack Saunderson, Ray McDermott, and an Englishman, Wg Cdr Denis Bolam. Lovely bunch to work with. Any others from that era still alive?
Laurie Lindsay
Laurie wrote, “I recognized some of the blokes on 23 RMTA, they are John Towle, Trevor Sanderson and Jeff Tolley. Jeff and Trevor worked with me at 38 Squadron after they graduated. John was porked and was at Laverton in the 70s.
Wilf Hardy.
Wilf Hardy wrote: “ I have attached a couple of articles from the Penang Star newspaper from last October, which I found of interest. My wife and I travel back to Singapore and Penang at least once a year and often more frequently. Malaysia is a great place to visit; inexpensive, friendly, safe and now they are teaching English in the schools again, most young people speak at least some English. We have great memories of Penang from our courting days so many years ago. Also, over the years I've built up quite a library on the Malayan Emergency and it surprises me Chin Peng is still alive; well, he was last October anyway.
The interesting thing in the Chin Peng article is the accolades the
author gives to the Commonwealth military who helped suppress the
Malayan Communists in the Emergency in "aid to the civil power",
which is a different slant on the explanation you give for the way
the war was managed. The idea was to try and stop communist
propaganda claiming Britain was killing the Malayans. Of course this
did not stop the wharfies in Sydney chalking "stop
The other article is on the Brits receiving approval to wear their PJMs. I don't believe many who received this award from Malaysia really understand the significance of it. The PJM is a decoration, akin to the entry level of our OAM and Malaysians love their medals. I now have PJM after my name on my business cards as I've found it a real door opener up there. The fact that it was presented to so many of us is surprising and should be viewed as a great honour.
Wilf – I found where I had read that 2 Sqn arrived in Butterworth when the “action” was nearly over – it is here http://www.awm.gov.au/units/unit_11021vietnam.asp - tb
At least the Honours and Awards crowd in Defence know what went on. They issued the AASM 1945 - 75 with a Thai-Malay clasp for the border fighting which went on for years after the Emergency officially ended. In the air it was mainly 2 Squadron doing the bombing until the Malaysian Air Force was built up enough to take over. But you won't find anything at all on the RAAF bombing Thailand. As I stated in my comments, at least there is an admission our army was patrolling up there.
J & A Wilson, Littlehampton – Q & A.
Well I always suspected that Q&A was left leaning and somewhat “controlled” but it sure was an experience. Got an invite to attend, I put my name down many moons ago and forgot about it, but the invite said bring a guest and submit a question. Best guest I could think of was Ray Gibson of ADSO fame, put his name down and he got a Guernsey as well.
We both submitted a
question but obviously
Aha, you submit the question in advance, its gets vetted of course, then they print it and hand it back to you on the night. Surprise!! Ray and I didn’t get a card but neither did about 400 others. Its OK said the producer, raise your hand if you have a question.
On TV, you did not see the hands raised did you.
Nope; cameras didn’t look that way. When Rudd was waffling, Jones was in rapt attention but twice managed to bring himself to an interjection to at least try to give a façade of impartiality. The pic I took before the order of “all phones off or you will be chucked out” shows the front gathering of the faithful and, surprise, where most of the questions came from.
Marvellous how Kevvy was ready for the occasional harder question but he has heard those before and had ready answers for them. Really a surprise we didn’t get to ask any military questions – wasn’t it. The night was a salutary lesson on control of the media. My apologies if you watched it.
Myke Stanbridge,
Hi all, thanks for RAM 43. It appears no luck in tracking down any 59RMC and 39RTC fellows? It amazes me that they've vanished without even the obligatory group photos turning up. I never even got offered a photo - how did others get a photo of their group?
Bob Dalgleish
Shortly after discharge I started with Air Niugini in Port Moresby. I remained in PNG for 10 years. I was in Rabaul when the volcanoes erupted there in 1993/4 and the company house I was assigned was buried under ash as a result, causing the loss of many photo albums and mementos from RAAF and Sinai days.
If you happen to know anyone who may have been anywhere I have been around the same time frames and kept some of the memories intact I would appreciate a copy. It's something that I should have chased up earlier, but I'm sure you all will understand how that goes.
After training in Wagga until early 1980, I was posted to 3AD only briefly and then to 482 SQN in Amberley. I was posted from there in 1983 to 5 SQN in Fairbairn, Canberra as a lead up to posting to the Sinai ACMFO contingent. I arrived via C130 in El Gorah in June 1985 and left on the 'next to last' rotation from there in Dec 1985. On my return, I was posted as an instructor to RAAFSTT
All the best, much appreciated. Cheers, Rob.
If you can help Rob out, please email him at rob.dalgleish@weststar-aviation.aero
Mick, from Dublin , appeared on 'Who Wants To Be A Millionaire' and towards the end of the program had already won 500,000 euros. "You've done very well so far," said Chris Tarrant, the show's presenter, "but for a million euros you've only got one life-line left, phone a friend. Everything is riding on this question. Will you go for it?"
"Sure," said Mick. "I'll have a go!"
"Which of the following birds does NOT build its own nest?
a) Sparrow b) Thrush, c) Magpie, d) Cuckoo?"
"I haven't got a clue." said Mick, ''So I'll use my last lifeline and phone my friend Paddy back home in Dublin ...."Mick called up his mate, and told him the circumstances and repeated the question to him. "God-damnl, Mick!" cried Paddy."Dat's simple - it's a cuckoo." "Are you sure?" "I'm damn sure."
Mick hung up the phone and told Chris, "I'll go with cuckoo as my answer." "Is that your final answer?" asked Chris. "Dat it is."
There was a long, long pause and then the presenter screamed, "Cuckoo is the correct answer! Mick, you've won 1 million euros!" The next night, Mick invited Paddy to their local pub to buy him a drink. "Tell me, Paddy? How in Heaven’s name did you know it was da Cuckoo that doesn't build its own nest?"
"Because it lives in a bloody clock
Bill Roddick.
Mrs Anne Roddick would like to say hello to anyone who remembers her
husband w/o Bill Roddick. Bill Spent 12 years in the British RAF
where he completed his National Service
Thank you in appreciation, Anne Roddick.
If you knew Bill and some of the antics he got up to, please send them here and we’ll pass them onto Anne – tb.
Something just that little bit different!! |
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