Radschool Association Magazine - Vol 45

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News and Reunions!  




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Scootarbor Proposal.


The proposal is for a group of Australian older persons, aged 65 years and over, to ride 50cc motor scooters east to west across the Nullarbor via the Eyre Highway, from Port Augusta to Norseman, and then continue on to Perth. The event will be financed through sponsorship and donations and marketed, with media support, to promote public awareness and acceptance that older persons are indeed an asset in today’s modern society. It is a desire that a flow-on benefit from this event will be that older persons regain a sense of adventure, which is a necessary part of life for all ages. All net proceeds from the event will be donated to Beyond Blue - a charity dedicated to reduce the impact of depression and anxiety in the community by raising awareness and understanding, empowering people to seek help, and supporting recovery, management and resilience.



Rationale for proposal.


Australians are now retiring from the workforce earlier and living longer. Increasing longevity is one of humanity’s greatest achievements. People live longer because of improved nutrition, sanitation, medical advances, health care, education and economic wellbeing. Some sources suggest that the world needs to take urgent action to cope with the impact of a rapidly ageing population. It is estimated that the number of people over 60 will surpass one billion within a decade. These growing numbers of the elderly presents significant challenges to welfare, pension and health care systems. This bemoans the fact that the skills and knowledge that older people have acquired are going to waste in society rather than being used to their full. Many of them are under employed, underactive and become a drain on a nation’s resources.


Successive governments tend to indulge in hand wringing about the cost of caring for the elderly, rather than exploiting what they have to offer. Many have skills that would be immensely useful in the volunteer sector but have been hardly tapped on a mass scale. Now is the time to seek opportunities to turn that around so that aging becomes a longevity dividend to a nation.


The concept for this event is the brainchild of Ian Jacobsen (right), a 70 plus something Queenslander. Ian had a varied and challenging life in both military and civil aviation and as an Antarctic expeditioner. He has met far too many older persons who openly admit they are merely filling in time until they die. He now wants to help, in this small way, to change that thinking. This proposed event is entirely about capturing the imagination of Australian seniors all around the country to try and get back some form of the adventure of their youth and make them feel useful. To make them laugh more often and make others laugh.



Timing of the event.


It  is  proposed  that  this  event  should  be  conducted  during  September  2014.  Subject  to  dates  clashing  with  other  events  during  that  month,  the  departure  date  from  Port  Augusta  would  be  Tuesday  9  September  and  arrival  in  Perth  just  under  two  weeks  later  during  the  morning  of  Sunday  21  September  2014.


The Radschool Association has entered the event and Ted McEvoy will be winning hearts all across the Nullarbor on his souped up machine.


Jake has spent hours checking out the route – you can see it all HERE


There's more info on the website - www.scootarborchallenge.com.



RVN Gallantry Cross with Palm.


Lee Scully, from the Victorian State Branch of the RAAF Vietnam Veterans Sub-Branch of the Vietnam Veterans Association of Australia (RVV), says that as the 50th Anniversary of the RAAF landing in Vietnam approaches, it is about time to try to put the issue of entitlement to the RVN Gallantry Cross with Palm to rest.


The RVV has lodged a submission to the current enquiry and you can see a copy of it HERE.


Lee says “I noticed the other day that Ron Workman gets a jersey on the current ANZI "Military Imposters" Website, for wearing the VGC and RVN Air Medal on his official rack (see HERE). I guess he figures he has an entitlement to do so, but I can't locate any official Australian Government approval for this.


The Inquiry closed for Submissions on 28 February 2014.”



If you help someone when they're in trouble,

they will remember you when they're in trouble again.



Scootarbor fundraiser


A fundraising afternoon concert is being held at Burrum Heads (just north of Hervey Bay - Qld) on Sunday 6 April. If you like country music and you’re up, or down that way about then, you might consider dropping in for a look. Graham Rodger, a Tamworth golden guitar winner, is donating 25% of his ticket takings and the Bowls Club is also being very generous. Beyondblue has provided balloons, fridge magnets, wrist bands, pamphlets etc to help fly the flag. 


You can download the flyer HERE


Look out for for Graham's new release in January with Catherine Britt titled "reach Out" based around depression.






Ted the Mac from the West says there is a new show on ABC digital Radio which is worth listening to. It is put together by a Rhianna Patrick who is the niece of Denis Window - ex metal basher 35Sqn - Vung Tau, 1970. Rhianna describes herself and her husband (David) as AvGeeks...!!!!!!


"She's just a great fun loving bird!!"


CanvasWings is about all things vintage aviation, restorations, collections etc etc. If you have a digital radio you can find it there or tune into the stream on your local ABC site (aka Perth 720) and you’ll hear it there. Or you can listen HERE


It all happens on Saturday from 18:05 to 18:30.  There is more info on the website www.canvaswings.com



Why do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are flat?





Any and everyone who intends to enter the Scootarbor fun fundraising event please take note:-


We have been reliably advised that there is a cheat in the midst,


We have been sent what we can also reliably confirm is an undoctored pic of John “Griffo” Griffiths getting some practice scootering around the suburbs of Brisvegas on his already souped up scooter scaring the daylights out of old ladies, caged chickens and the odd stray horse.


Our reliable sources have advised us that there is an 18 cylinder radial engine secreted away behind the garage doors and which will be fitted to the nondescript machine replacing the 6 litre V8 already resident behind the cowls.


Our close inspection of the rules pertaining to the event has found no clause that forbids such modifications which is probably why the RAAF has increased the ADGy dog patrols around the F/A-18 engine bays at Amberley.


Forewarned is forearmed we say!!!








East Sale Reunion.


Lyn Mitchell would like everyone who was East Saled during their RAAF career to know that a reunion is planned for the 7th – 9th November 2014.



A meet and greet is planned for the Friday (7th) at the Criterion Hotel in Macalister St. For those who haven’t been back to Sale for a while, the Criterion has had a total facelift and is now a quality eating spot. A Bistro Dinner and drinks will be available but not organised so if you wish to partake, it is at your own leisure.


The organisers are still working on activities for the day light hours of the Saturday and would welcome any suggestions. Some may wish to tour some of the favourite sites from the old days. There are the parking spots around Lake Guthridge that will most certainly bring back memories of watching the ‘wildlife’ well into the night as will the Swing Bridge, which also involved a good deal of wildlife and is now a designated as a “Historic Site”.


The reunion Dinner will be held at the Criterion Hotel on the Saturday Night. These dinners usually turn into an opportunity to tell a few “truths” about our early days and it is certain that this one will be no different.


On Sunday morning there will be the usual farewell Breakfast sick parade at the hotel. Further details will be made know as they are finalised.


There is plenty of accommodation around Sale and the surrounds. The Caravan Park on the highway to Melbourne and the Stratford Motel do not seem to have changed since 1967.


A good cheap place to stay is the Gippsland Hotel, below, it’s close to everything and although it’s not 5 star, the beer’s cold, counter lunches are great, the beds are comfy and the rooms are clean and cost only $40/night, though we reckon it would be a good idea to book as there aren’t a lot of them.



If you want to know more, contact Jim Birrell at jim.birrell@bigpond.com




RTFV-35 Sqn


John Sambrooks now has available RTFV-35 Sqn Name Badges, an ANZAC note-book and Lapel Badges. With ANZAC Day fast approaching, it would be a good opportunity to order one or all and wear the name tag and badge on the Day.


Click each for a bigger view.




The pic above left is the front of the notebook, the pic at right is the back.


They cost $10 each, delivered, and you can order them by doing the following:


1.     Post a cheque to cover the articles you’ve ordered to John Sambrooks (Boss), 18 Coles St, Arana Hills, Qld, 4054. Don’t forget to include your name and address. (You’d be surprised the number that don’t),  or;


2.     e-Deposit the correct amount into the RTFV-35Sqn bank account (BSB 124 001, Account number 1048 1291) and include your surname in the reference box then send an email to John at johnsambrooks@optusnet.com.au advising the details of your deposit, and once again include your name and address.


When ordering the name tag, please advise what name you wish to have printed on it, ie: Williams sometimes prefer Bill, Kevins Kev, Johns sometimes Jack etc..





The Djinnang boys and girls will hold another of their very successful get togethers on Saturday the 31st May – at the usual spot, the Queensland Public Service Club in Stevens Lane (off George St) in Brisbane.


Entry is $10 per person and a meal will be provided at a good rate. You can log onto the web site (www.djinnang.com) to see who is planning to attend – perhaps you should too.


Click the brochure at right for a printable copy.









10 and 11 Squadrons reunion.


On the 3rd and 4th of October, RAAF Base Edinburgh will be hosting a series of events to celebrate the 75th Anniversary of 10 and 11 Squadrons. This year also marks the 75th Anniversary of 10 Squadron being the first RAAF unit to deploy on Active Service during World War 2.


To mark these significant milestones, a number of events are planned over the 2 days. A welcome “Hangar Bash”, flying and static displays by the AP-3C and former Squadron aircraft, 10 vs 11 Squadron AFL Game and a formal black tie dinner at the Adelaide Convention Centre. Family and friends are welcome to attend all the events including those former members of 492 Squadron.


You can get further info HERE



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