Radschool Newsletter |
Vol 5 Page 10 |
The Bridge.
Most non-Sydney blokes, if posted to a Sydney based unit in the late 60’s, will always remember their first drive over the Bridge. It was something you just had to do. Back then Richmond was miles out of town, (a lot’s changed) but the trip into Parramatta along Windsor Rd was a breeze as it was mostly through open country. Normally, on your first Saturday morning off, you headed into town via Windsor and Parramatta Rds, then when you were nearly into town you saw it. The Bridge.
Back then you could see it for miles as there weren’t any tall buildings to block the view. It stood out for miles around. At first sight it was a little unreal, something everyone had seen photos of in the paper or on TV, but none of us had ever actually seen it in the flesh, let alone been on it. You were overcome by the sheer size of the thing. First timers always drove over one way, (paying the 10¢ toll), then when they got to the other side, did a U-turn and drove straight back.
Saturday morning traffic on the bridge—1960’s style. Wouldn’t the Sydney-siders love it to be like this again. |
Then, if you had plenty of time, and back then there was always 30-40 hours in every day, you parked your car in the street near the bridge (that was easy too) and walked over. If you owned the car you never had a problem getting passengers to go to town and see the bridge.
Another must do for non-Sydney blokes was a trip on “the Manly Ferry”. This was a thing that we’d heard our mates from Sydney talk about while we were at Laverton, and it was very high on our “must see” list. Our mates from the big city used to pronounce it as if it was only one word - “themanlyferry”.
Once again, we didn’t know what to expect, but it was something we were definitely going to experience, and after tiring of crossing the bridge (or run out of 10¢ pieces) you would park down near the Quay, buy your ticket, and go over to Manly and back. And if you had a lot of money, you’d go one way on the hydrofoil.
People still do this sort of thing today of course, but back in the 60’s it seemed a lot easier. There was always plenty of space, and also plenty of time. Today things like the bridge and themanlyferry are expected to be there. Back then it was more of a privilege to have them.
Funny the way things change—isn’t it??
Once again—the response to the
competition was fierce. Everyone, or so it seems, is eager to get
their hands on a bottle of Sparkling Rinegolde, and we hear that
Sotheby's has offered huge sums for the rights to auction the
Certificate of Merit which also forms part of the winner’s purse.
We’ve been offered quite substantial bribes to fix the competition,
but up to now we’ve resisted, after all, who can afford the time off
to go on a 6 month cruise of the Caribbean. Anyway, there can only
be 1 winner, and this time it’s Ed (Spike) Millican from Burwood
East in Victoria. Spike’s bottle of Sparkle is on its way to
Melbourne via armoured vehicle from the CBA’s safe deposit box in
Now it’s your turn, you too can to win a bottle of that most magnificent of wines - the venerated Sparkling Rinegolde. This edition’s question which is once again 100% relevant, as always, and which no-one will know because it’s as hard as anything is:-
“What do ‘Laramie’ and ‘A Fist full of Dollars’ have in common” Tough — right!!!!!
Send your written answers to us any way you like, email, fax, post - but please don’t ring. Entries should be in by the end of July 2000, and once again we’ll announce the lucky winner in our next edition. Judge’s decision etc etc etc...… Go to it.
The Journal of the Australian War Memorial will no longer be published in hard copy. Instead it is now published as an electronic journal and is available only on the net. Address: www.adfa.oz.au/~awm/journal/journal.htm - so there!
Join the Club.
If you haven’t joined us yet - please do. (If you already have, please get some of your mates to join too). Fill in the form below and post it to us, along with your cheque, money order (or cash) for $10.00 made out to “Radschool Association”. We need you!
Unfortunately, it costs to product this little booklet, there’s paper, envelopes, toner, stamps etc, and we can’t do it without your support. We’re sorry but we can’t continue to send you the booklet unless you help us by contributing to its cost. It’s not fair on those that have.
Opinions expressed in this Newsletter, unless marked as otherwise, are entirely those of the writer - Trevor Benneworth. This newsletter is not affiliated with, nor does it purport to be associated with any other organisation.
We warmly welcome your input, and should you have an opinion contrary to or perhaps you agree with any article published here, please express your thoughts to us in writing, and we will gladly publish them.
Standby your beds!
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2017 |