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Where are they now?
Andrea O’Brien.
Sandy Redway, (who was Sandy Bohen on 192 Rookies back in 1970) is looking for Andrea O’Brien who was on Rookie Course 192 and Carmel Flanders from Course 193. If you can help, let us know and we’ll pass on the info to Sandy.
Jack Van der Linden.
Mary Paul wrote, she says: In October-December, 1979 while in Papua New Guinea, I met an Australian RAAF pilot Michael (Jack?) Van der Linden who was flying training flights with PNG Defence Force pilot trainees. While recently reconnecting with members of the project that brought me to PNG, I was reminded of Mr. Van der Linden. Would you be able to give me any information as to his whereabouts?
With kind regards, Mary Grosze Paul
If you can help, let us know and we’ll pass on the info to Mary.
Lee Mountford
Bull Donald in Townsville, is looking for a Lee Mountford, Lee joined the Air Force in 1971 (201 Rookiesu) as a Switchie. She originally came from Gympie. If anyone has any info on her please let us know and we’ll pass on the info to Bull
Sqn Ldr Robert Arthur Lynn.
David Woodcock from the Ipswich Sub Branch of VSASA has sent us the following:
“I am endeavouring to assist an elderly war widow with her war
widows’ claim. Her Husband Sqn Ldr Robert Arthur Lynn served in RAAF
HQ Vietnam 16 Jan 1968 to 15 Jan 1969 (and WW2 16/12/46-1/8/48). His
background expertise was Radio/radar equipment. He was commissioned
in 1957. He also was issued with a Commonwealth Police Nominal Roll
(security card) No 1964 re Maralinga entry to and from; but DVA/VRB
will not accept that he “actually or physically served at Maralinga
despite his name appearing on the DVA
He died on the 21st August 1972, aged only 44 (after transfer to RAAF Base Amberley) due to Bowel cancer which was diagnosed in RAAF service. We have a March 68 Photo of him and others in Gia Dinh Province Saigon shortly after the 1967-68 Tet Offensive. Other names in the photo are Sgt Brian Mayfield, Wg Cmdr Edward Harrison; Sqn Ldr David Oxenham, Cpl Sidney James Brown, Sgt James Clifford White, LAC Charles Oswald Thompson, Lac Albert Burns, Wg Cdr Noel Johnson.
Basically we are looking for anyone who served with him during Maralinga and or Vietnam, together with what level of asbestos was in the RAAF HQ Saigon and possible dust or damage exposed during TET.”
If you can help, get in touch with us and we’ll pass on the info to David.
Never interrupt someone doing what you said couldn't be done.
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