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Pedro’s Patter.
Excerpt from Jeff’s book – Wallaby Airlines.
Tuesday, 9th August, 1966
The front beach was a black void as I walked down to breakfast in the morning darkness to our dining room, which was a block away from the Villa Anna behind the Sergeants Mess. A few scattered lights indicated others were up early. Far out in the bay, lights twinkled on anchored ships. I had spent Saturday and Sunday flying short trips to Tan Son (Saigon), Nhut, Bien Hoa and back with the CO and ‘Blue’ McDonnell. Blue’s real name was John Terrence and some people referred to him as Terry. I never heard him called anything but ‘Blue’. My diary entry for Monday records one word: ‘diarrhoea’. Apparently I was not up to much else. The washbasins in the Villa had signs over them saying that the water was not potable. Even so, most people cleaned their teeth with it. So if only for this reason it was not a surprise to come down with a dose of the trots. The other blokes told me that it was a fairly common condition.
Villa Anna. |
Next day I was back to normal. I was programmed for the 405 Mission, a northbound mail run operating Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays to various MACV (Military Assistance Command, Vietnam) and Special Forces outposts between Saigon and the air force base at Nha Trang. Nha Trang is a large coastal city about 200 miles north-east of Saigon in that part of the country designated the II Corps Military Region by the Americans. The trip was also a left-hand seat check out with Blue McDonnell, the squadron QFI (Qualified Flying Instructor), before I flew as captain myself. So today I was pleased to know that I would do most of the flying.
Any Australian reader would realise Blue got his nickname because of his red hair. The other personality trait that often went with red hair was a volatile temper. Blue did not qualify here. He was quite unexcitable, even under trying conditions, which was a good attribute for anyone involved in flying training. He also had an offbeat sense of humour. You never knew whether he was joking or serious.
Blue flew the first leg out of Saigon himself to show me the defensive spiral descent procedure developed and used by the squadron to minimise exposure to ground fire. In 1966 towns and military bases in South Vietnam were secure ‘islands’ in an unfriendly ‘sea’ of VC-controlled countryside. Connecting roads were unsafe except in a convoy. Even trains, when they operated, included a tank-like carriage with a large calibre weapon to ward off VC attack. Rural and mountain areas, even at a relatively short distance from a major population centre or government outpost, often harboured snipers or worse, small teams of VC irregulars armed with more dangerous, large calibre weapons, who took pot shots at low flying aircraft. Snipers strategically placed around the boundary of an airfield, concealed in patches of jungle, usually had plenty time to aim and fire at aircraft due to the slow speeds used during approach and landing.
To minimise this hazard, 35 Squadron had developed
ground fire
Blue was about to demonstrate the descent procedure to me. We arrived over Ham Tan, our first port of call out of Saigon, at 2500 feet and 165 knots. Staying within about half a mile of the runway, Blue spiralled down, maintaining speed until we were abeam the runway threshold, our landing point. He then throttled back and levelled off until the airspeed came back sufficiently to lower the undercarriage and flaps. After a tight base turn and super short finals, we were on the ground. After this demonstration, I was not surprised our squadron had taken very few hits compared with our American counterparts, who used a more conventional approach technique.
If this procedure was necessary to avoid VC ground
fire, I needed
The aircraft was now under my control. After the drab
Delta, the north was like a Garden of Eden. The terrain changed from
browns to greens, from alluvial plains to purple highlands. Along
the coast, the azure sea sparkled as it can do only under a tropical
sky. Everything looked clean, at least from our cruising altitude. I
felt good. Phan Thiet is a coastal town with its airport clinging to
the top of a windswept cliff. Although the runway wa
Further north was Song Mao. The airfield was built on a narrow plain sandwiched between mountain ranges and the coast, and was short enough to be interesting. More than the usual number of kids crowded out to see us, pushing against the wire barricade bordering the ramp. Three small children, the oldest in a miniature sailor suit and looking more like an American kid, enjoyed a better view from the back of a jeep. They were the children of the province chief, a Vietnamese colonel.
Departing Song Mao, we had to climb overhead beyond the usual 2500 feet to clear the mountain range by a safe margin. The Caribou climbed effortlessly, like a glider, its thick cambered wings picking up thermals induced by the strong south-easterly on the sloping terrain. As we climbed we tracked over a large area pockmarked with bomb craters, the result of an earlier B-52 carpet-bombing. It looked like the surface of the Moon. A strip of jungle almost a mile wide and several miles long had been blasted off the map, along with whoever or whatever was in it at the time. One can only imagine the pandemonium among ground forces when the giant bomber’s load of 1000-pound high explosive iron bombs rained down on them.
Crossing the first mountain range, we saw Cam Ranh Bay glistening in the hot sun. The bay and the surrounding countryside looked particularly beautiful from the air. No doubt if we descended from cruising altitude to fly low level over the small, close-packed towns which dot the way, their shanties elbowing each other greedily for space beside the river, the squalor would be the same as the towns of the Delta. The Americans were developing Cam Ranh Bay from a superb natural harbour surrounded by rolling sand dunes into one of the country’s biggest naval and air bases. The bay was already a major supply port for the II Corps region, its waters crowded with shipping. The adjacent airfield was undergoing a transition from a supply base for C-130 and smaller cargo aircraft to one capable of handling larger cargo aircraft, as well as high-performance fighters and bombers.
Construction teams were busy grading the sand dunes
flat prio
At this level also the decrepit buildings and
shantytown, which are
Parking here was at a premium, the aircraft being
parked nose to nose in eight double rows, making ground manoeuvring
difficult, as I was to find later to my cost. Taxiing in was easy.
Coming out in a tight reverse turn was another matter. The loading
supervisor, a youthful-looking sergeant second grade, pencil on
right ear, clipboard in hand, poked his head through the side door
as we climbed down from the cockpit. ‘Hi, Aussie’, he began
I followed Blue McDonnell over to a two-storey wooden building behind the aircraft lines. ‘TMC is downstairs, Ops [Operations] up top’, he explained as we climbed the steep flight of external steps to the balcony above. Operations had no new information for us, so Blue started back towards the aircraft. It was nearly midday. ‘What about lunch?’ I inquired hopefully, my stomach triggering alarm signals. In my humble opinion, civilised people normally eat something in the middle of the day. ‘There’s a snack bar round the corner’, said Blue ‘but I don’t usually bother. TMC will sell you a Coke.’ ‘Show me the snack bar’, I insisted. The snack bar was a semi-enclosed counter at the end of the building manned by a Vietnamese wearing a white apron and an American-diner style peaked cap. A rough sign advertised meat sandwiches at an exorbitant price. They looked unappetising, but I was determined to eat. ‘Two sandwiches please’, I requested, holding up two fingers. The Vietnamese handed over two pre-wrapped packages. I paid him with a wad of MPC and opened one packet.
The sandwich consisted of a thick slab of dry-
Our first port of call in the mountains was Dalat Cam
Ly, the main airport for the mountain-top city of Dalat (pronounced
Dar Latt). Sixty miles south-west of Nha Trang, Dalat was a
surprisingly "very
Another 60 miles west was Gia Nghia, a US Army Special Forces camp. There were many Special Forces camps scattered throughout the highlands. Each camp was virtually a fortified Montagnard village, the whole population and the Special Forces personnel living inside the boundary. The French originally coined the term Montagnard to describe the ethnic minority peoples living in the highlands. The Special Forces recruited the Montagnards, and trained them in guerrilla warfare. They were willing participants since they had no love of lowland Vietnamese and hated the VC in particular for disrupting their traditional lifestyle. Because the men were diverted from their traditional hunting and gathering activities, they were ‘paid’ for their efforts in livestock and vegetables, flown in by Caribou or C-123.
Gia Nghia was listed in the Aerodrome Directory as a Type 2 runway for Caribous: TYPE 2 – (MINIMUM OPERATIONAL). A facility constructed to provide a sub-standard but operable margin of safety. Operations from this facility will be reasonably efficient, but may be seriously jeopardised under adverse operating conditions.
They were not committing themselves much, were they?
Bulldozing the tops of two adjacent mountains into the
Blue, unflappable as ever, said nothing. Of course,
we had practised STOL approaches and landings back home with the
backup of a full-length runway in case we stuffed up. Here it was
the real thing. The Caribou is a strange beast in the STOL
configuration. It does not really want to fly at the very low speeds
necessary for STOL performance. To get around that, its designers
resorted to aerodynamic trickery by using an incredible wing with
two different aerofoil sections bolted together,
Furthermore, at very low speed a lot of muscle power was required to move the controls to obtain the large control surface deflections required – a bit like an FJ Holden, definitely no power steering there. For these reasons it is easy to understand why even the most proficient pilot found himself in a lather of sweat on a full STOL approach. Having forced the unwilling brute down to a position just over the intended touchdown point, hopefully close to the ground, the pilot then rotated the aircraft to a landing attitude. Since this placed it below stalling speed, the aeroplane then literally fell out of the sky. (Click HERE to see the aircraft tin action)
Having ‘arrived’ on the ground in this fashion the long, forgiving undercarriage legs soaked up the inevitable shock. The only thing left to do was to apply maximum braking and full reverse power and—presto—there you were sitting in a stationary aircraft after a 700–800-foot landing roll trying to look calm and disguise your rapid breathing. Fortunately, few runways required this unnerving performance and most pilots adopted a modified STOL technique, using only 30 degree flap and a higher approach speed, for all but the shortest of them. Back to Gia Nghia, I mentally reclassified it as a ‘modified STOL’ runway.
Blao, our next stop, was also high in the hills. It was shortish, sloping and slippery due to a recent shower of rain on its membrane surface. It was set in the midst of vast tea plantations which, in spite of the war, were surprisingly still operated by a private company. The tea was sold in attractively decorated tins. I later bought several and sent them home as gifts. The loading team here, rifles slung over their shoulders, appeared like wraiths from among the tea shrubs which surrounded the parking area. Having taken the mailbags and whatever else we had for them, they disappeared again without waiting to see us rumbling down the runway towards the gulch at the bottom, the staccato of our exhaust augmentors at take-off power shattering the whispering calm of the plantation.
Ahead of us was the longest leg of the day, a
At a wedding ceremony, the pastor asked if anyone had anything to say concerning the union of the bride and groom. It was their time to stand up and talk, or forever hold their peace. The moment of utter silence was broken by a beautiful young woman carrying a child. She started walking toward the pastor slowly. Everything quickly turned to chaos. The bride slapped the groom. The groom's mother fainted. The groomsmen started giving each other looks and wondering how best to help save the situation. The pastor asked the woman, "Can you tell us why you came forward? What do you have to say?"
The woman replied, "We can't hear in the back."
The F-35.
Australia has committed to 72 F-35A aircraft for three operational squadrons to be based, two at Williamtown and one at Tindal. The second one at Willytown will be a training squadron. Sometime in the future, a fourth operational squadron will be considered and would be based at Amberley, making a total of 100 F-35As.
The first F-35A aircraft will arrive in Australia sometime in 2018 and the first squadron, 3 Squadron, which currently operates the F18 Hornets, will be operational in 2021.
All 72 aircraft are expected to be fully operational by 2023 (a mere 7 years from now).
The F-35A will provide Australia with a fifth generation aircraft at the forefront of air combat technology, to provide a networked force-multiplier effect in terms of situational awareness and combat effectiveness. Capable of supersonic flight whilst retaining stealth, the F-35A has extraordinary acceleration, agility and 9G maneuverability. It is characterised by a low profile design; internal weapons and fuel carriage; advanced radar; electro-optical and infrared sensors with advanced voice and data link communications; and the ability to employ a wide range of air-to-surface and air-to-air weapons.
Defence is currently undertaking an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) process for the flying operations of the F-35A. A website has been created where you can learn more about the EIS process, subscribe to receive updates, and provide feedback. |
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