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Galloping Gourmets.
Jim Smallman sent us this pic, He says back in 1975- 77 in Butterworth, they had a social group called "galloping gourmets'. The idea was to find the dirtiest restaurant and in it have a 7 course meal. This particular one, in Transfer Rd. specialized in chillied crab. |
Clockwise from Left: Joe Dyson, Rod Smith, Terry Mason, Daryl Stephenson, Bob Luff and George ???????. |
A favourite trick was to go to somewhere like Indian Joe’s and sit the “new boy” with his back to the ‘chef’, thereby ensuring his neck and shoulders were also cooked! That, and the rule was whatever the fighting implements (eating irons) that were provided, that is what you used and woe betide anyone in a Chinese Restaurant who couldn’t handle chopsticks. And no ladies in those days, and duty free Anchor beer in big bottles. One crate per meal.
And Keith Edwards says: “My memories of the best chilli crab are at Pongol Point in Singapore. Here's a photo of some of the 79Sqn Officers - mainly pilots – and as you can see the best way to avoid getting chilli crab all over you was to strip to the waist.”
Anyone got any names??
Penang Ferry.
Paul Watson says, “If you experienced Butterworth in the seventies or earlier, before the days of Indonesian smoke haze and Malaysian smog, you'll remember the ferry trip in almost pristine conditions. No photoshop here!”
Butterworth Today.
Bob Burrows was in Malaysia is Feb 2018, he took a few pics of the front gate to the old base and some of the “boatie”. Here are a couple.
Appy Wagon.
Colin Casey, who is now with RSL Lifecare in Narrabeen sent us this pic. |
He says, “This is a picture of the semi trailer that took 100 radio apprentices from Frognall to Melbourne Tech everyday. I was on number 4 course in 1950 and the semi trailer was used from 1949 to 1952. It was then replaced by 3 buses, due to complaints from the council”.
Radio/Comms Section, Base Sqn Amberley, 1982.
Marcel Van Der Linden sent us this pic. |
Marcel is in the front row, 6th from the left.
Appy Brats at Wagga.
Click the pic below to see a 4 minute AWM video produced by the RAAF public relations people featuring RAAF apprentices who parade before the Commanding Officer of the training school, Group Captain Marshall, as well as several cutaways showing trade school signs; apprentices at work and personality shots.
Some of the people you’ll see in the video are: Apprentices: |
Others: |
Technical Trades Restructure Training Design Team. (TTRTDT)
Doug Norrie sent us these two pics, he says: “The TTRTDT started life as a small team at Wagga, to redesign the aircraft trade training to match the National Core Curriculum. It grew into a monster absorbing surplus tradespeople from all over, then became the Technical Trades Courseware Development Team inhabiting the old Hospital building until disbandment in late 1999. They fielded some great Touch teams which included both Army and Navy aircraft tradesmen.”
Can anyone help with the missing names??
Front Row: Adam Bicholson, ?, ?, Greg Morrison, Doug Norrie, Peter Sullivan, Elio Basso Second Row: Gary Beachamp, Andrew McCann, Neil Platt, Billy Veal, Mick Deldot, Graham Beason, ?. |
Back row L-R: ?, Doug Norrie, Ian Pinch, Neil Shuker, Greg Morrison, ? ?, Peter Sullivan. Front row L-R: Neil Platt, ?, Doc Halliday, “Grizzly” Adams, Neil Piggott, ?.
Perth Recruiting 1987 – 89.
Victor Hugo sent us this pic.
Standing L-R: Cecil West, Don't know, Sharon Vandenmeer, Col Berndt, Sharon Hedland, Alison Moody, Roger Drewitt. Seated L-R: Victor Hugo, Geoff Wallace, Al Hayes, Don't know, Marie Howlett, Des Little.
My memory's not as sharp as it used to be. Also, my memory's not as sharp as it used to be.
1/89 Supply Officer Basic Course. |
Peter Cowell sent us the pic above, It was of the Box-packers Officer course held at Tottenham in 1989. Can anyone provide us with names?
9 Squadron, Vung Tau. 1970. |
13 Aircraft Loaders Course (3Mar – 18 Mar 1982) Sorry, no first names.
Standing L-R: Barker, McNab, Gunn, Hyland, Ewen, Harker, Rice, Bent. Seated L-R: Brierty, Quirk, Stein, Fell, Robinson, Marchaller, Rogers.
With a lot of time on their hands, this lot doesn’t need an excuse to hit the Jade Buddha for lunch. And if you can spend time with a pretty girl, all the better.
Standing: Trev Benneworth, John McDougall. Seated: John Sambrooks, (the people’s champion), Jaelle Winter, (Function and Marketing Manager – Jade Buddha.)
Kevin Julyan, 6SD Dubbo, 1952.
RAAF Inter-service Aussie Rules Team - 1966
Standing L-R: F Barron, C Collins, J Cecchin, P Jarvie, G McLennan, M McGrath, J Day, T Bevan, D Meyer, G Stevens, R Jarvis, G Martin, R Christie Kneeling L-R: J Crane, J Vandenburg, J Leavy, D Jazownik, L Bennett, C Peterson (Coach), J Bryan (Captain), R Roach, R Pope.
Sorry – we don’t have names for the pic below.
We had this pic below of Front Beach, Vung Tau (2006) in our last issue. Run your mouse over the pic to see what it looked like in 1964.